FOR YOU — Health, Fitness & Wellness Coach 🤩

Craft diverse high protein meal plans in record time, leaving your clients amazed and satisfied!

Now yOU can empower clients with diverse protein recipes without the challenge of tedious meal planning

“It’s the only protein meal planning tool that delivered better than advertised”

From: Ru Anderson

Founder of

Ever feel like you're stuck in a loop with your high protein meal plans?

It's the same old chicken and rice or tofu stir-fry week after week. 

You see the disappointment in your clients' eyes, and you hear the dreaded words... "This again?"

Your intentions to spice things up always end up back at square one, with the same tried but tired recipes. 

The excitement of creating new, protein-packed meals has turned into a chore

And you're not alone.

Many nutrition coaches are feeling trapped in this protein routine, and their clients are feeling the burnout too.

It's a vicious cycle. 

Lack of variety in meal plans leads to dietary boredom, making clients less likely to stick to their plans

They crave something new, something fresh.

But the old methods of sifting through recipe books or relying on overhyped protein bars just don’t cut it.

The reality is, without some zest and variety, meal plans become a dread, not a delight.

And the stats show it too—clients are 65% more likely to stray from uninspiring meal plans.

It’s a tough spot to be in, for both you and your clients.

Instead then, imagine this:

Every meal plan is your secret weapon.

Instead of struggling with the same old protein menus, you've got a handy library of great-tasting healthy high protein recipes

  • No more late nights trying to mix and match meals.
  • No more seeing that disappointed look when 'chicken' pops up again.
  • No more second-guessing if you’re giving clients the best.
  • Every meal is not just food; it's fuel for growth and good health.
  • That’s the game-changer waiting for you.
  • Dive in, and let every meal plan be a masterpiece.

Introducing the Game-Changer…

Our Peak Protein Client Recipe Pack is the answer! 

Thirty distinct high protein recipes for ultimate meal planning, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack and smoothies. 

The leading solution for pro nutrition coaches.

Seamless Integration

With our recipe collection, you can create custom meal plans that align with your client's goals and preferences, earning their loyalty and setting the stage for long-term success.

Plus, our packs are developed by an in-house team of certified nutrition and fitness coaches, professional designers, skilled recipe creators, and expert food photographers, ensuring top-notch quality.

Customize with Confidence

But that's not all – our white-label private license and easy-to-edit templates enable you to seamlessly 'brand-as-yours' to integrate the content into your existing materials and copy/paste recipes to create custom meal plan solutions, providing a truly unique experience for your clients.

Take Action Now

Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your nutrition coaching practice.

Access your recipe pack and start "wowing" your clients with personalized, diverse meal plans that deliver actual results.

Your clients deserve the best, and you can give them just that with our done-for-you recipes.

Take action now and unlock your full potential as a nutrition coach!

Presenting the

Peak Protein Recipe Pack

Reclaim Your Time30 Expert-crafted recipes, fully customisable.
End high-protein meal plan frustration today!

Here’s what you can expect when you unleash The Peak Protein Recipe Pack…

Effortless Meal Planning

Create diverse, nutritious high-protein meal plans in minutes, freeing more time for coaching and business growth.

Boost Client Accountability

Inspire client accountability with eye-catching, easy-to-follow recipes, encouraging them to take control of their nutrition and wellness journey.

Stay Competitive

Set yourself apart in nutrition coaching with professionally developed peak-protein recipes that keep your meal plans competitive and up-to-date.

Customise Every Recipe

Easily brand and personalise recipes, including macros, using Canva or other tools, meeting each client's dietary needs and preferences.

Adapt to Client Needs

Seamlessly adjust meal plans as your clients evolve, accommodating changes in goals or preferences to ensure ongoing success.

End Meal Planning Frustration

Say goodbye to recipe research and planning hassles, focusing on what truly matters—helping clients succeed.

Here's what you can do with the Peak Protein Recipe Pack…

  • Boost Revenue 
    Sell The Peak Protein Recipe Pack as a one-time purchase for an instant income boost.
  • Attract Leads 
    Offer irresistible meal plans and recipe e-books as lead magnets to draw people to your coaching service.
  • Convert Clients 
    Enhance your authority by adding the pack as a value-add to your core coaching programs.
  • Run Challenges
    Foster community growth with social media challenges using Peak Protein Recipes.
  • Host Live Sessions
    Showcase expertise and engage followers with live cooking demos—just follow the recipe! Offer the pack as a free download in exchange for attendee email addresses.
  • Become an Author
    Publish your branded Peak Protein Recipes on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) for access to a vast audience, establishing authority.
  • Keto or Intermittent Fasting Coach?
    The pack is designed for you: keto and intermittent fasting-friendly for flexible support of your tribe.

And Heaps More!

Trusted by over 34,000 Coaches for our reliable products & excellent customer service

"Cutting hours of content creating"

"I love the content, it looks amazing, easy to personalize, very professional, so helpful cutting hours of content creating. Can't wait to see my business grow."
—Aisha Butler

"So professional"

"The resources are so professional, beautiful, and helpful to allow us to serve our clients better!"
—Kalli Park Beckwith

"Top-notch resources that make my life so much easier"

"There's a ton of noise in our industry with people and companies making all sorts of promises that fall short. Exceed Nutrition does not disappoint. There's no hype. Just top-notch resources that make my life so much easier. If you're a coach in the fitness space you want this team on your side."
—Nicole Cabrias

Here's EVERYTHING you get with the Peak Protein Recipe Pack

30 Professional Peak Protein Recipes

  • Perfect Client Meals — Offer 30 tried-and-tested, diverse high-protein recipes for a captivating meal plan experience.
  • Trust in Expertise — Count on certified nutrition coaches and creators for balanced, reliable, and delicious meals.
  • Showcase Quality — Impress clients with visually stunning, brand-enhancing recipes and meal plans that reinforce your excellence.

MyFitnessPal Barcode Integration

  • Simplify Tracking — Sync Peak Protein recipes with MyFitnessPal via barcode integration for effortless meal logging.
  • Save Time and Accuracy — Eliminate manual entry, ensuring precise food diary entries and client satisfaction.
  • Boost Engagement — Enhance compliance with user-friendly MyFitnessPal barcode integration, simplifying dietary progress monitoring.

Detailed Shopping Lists & Meal Planner Examples

  • Simplify Lives — Provide easy-to-follow shopping lists and meal plans to streamline clients' lifestyles.
  • Boost Adherence — Empower clients with clear shopping lists and meal plans for diet success.
  • Strengthen Your Value — Offer comprehensive support with shopping lists and meal plans, fostering lasting coaching relationships.

Detailed Macros & Nutritional Info

  • Protein Mastery Unleashed — Empower clients with precise macros in each recipe for informed choices.
  • Effortless Tracking — Simplify dietary monitoring with clear, accurate nutrition details.
  • Boost Your Credibility — Showcase your support with meticulous nutrition data, earning trust.

200+ High-Resolution Food Photography Pack

  • Captivate Clients — Enhance marketing and client experience with over 200 high-resolution food photos showcasing your meal plans.
  • Explode Your Brand — Attract clients with professional food photos that demonstrate your commitment to quality.
  • Streamline Content — Save time with ready-to-use high-resolution food photos, streamlining content creation.

Done-For-You Social Media Posts

  • Amplify Online Presence — Use our Social Media Marketing Booster Packs to boost brand awareness and audience engagement.
  • Streamline Content — Save time with ready-to-use, customisable social media assets designed to resonate with your audience.
  • Boost Conversions — Leverage strategic social media marketing for client acquisition, retention, and business growth.

Brand As Your Own

  • Seamless Integration — Easily incorporate our Peak Protein recipes into your business with easy to edit templates; edit everything!
  • Customizable Branding — Personalize recipe packs with your logo, colors, and design elements for brand consistency.
  • Time-Saving & Professional — Use familiar design tools from Canva, Apple, Microsoft, and Google for quick branding, saving time while maintaining professionalism.

But WAIT! Here's Where It Gets
Really Good For You…

Get Complete Private Label Rights!

Claim every Peak Protein Recipe and Resource as your own with my complete Private-Label Licensing. Put your name and branding on the content, using it as if you created it, and keep 100% of the profits.

  • Sustainable long-term solution — Rely on the bundle for the long haul, using it repeatedly in your business instead of constantly searching for new resources and strategies.
  • Fully customise and personalise — Tailor the resources to your audience and brand, ensuring uniqueness and value with complete control over the content.
  • Flexible and adaptable — Use the bundle for creating new products or personal growth, offering a wide range of options for your business needs.

But that's not all —
I want to gift you these epic bonuses…

BONUS: Fiberlicious Veggie Sides Recipe Book

  • Boost Fiber Intake — Complement Peak Protein Recipes with five nutritious veggie sides, complete with macros and MyFitnessPal barcodes for easy tracking.
  • Enhanced Nutrition — These sides elevate your meal plans, providing extra nutrients, balanced flavors, and precise nutritional information.
  • Satisfied Clients — Keep clients satisfied with wholesome, fiber-rich options that support their dietary goals and simplify tracking.

BONUS: Protein Unraveled Quick Start Guide

  • Expert Guidance — Access a brand as your own quick start guide offering expert insights into unraveling the power of protein.
  • Faster Progress — Kickstart your clients nutrition journey with valuable tips, ensuring efficient progress.
  • Informed Choices — Allow your clients to make educated decisions about protein intake for optimal health and fitness outcomes.

BONUS: Peak Protein Smoothie Maker Guide

  • Lead Generation Powerhouse — Use the guide for lead generation and marketing, attracting health-conscious leads with its Pinterest-ready infographics.
  • Simplify Smoothie Creation — Make it effortless for clients to whip up protein-packed smoothies with step-by-step instructions, macros, and method details in a social media carousel.
  • Client Engagement — Enhance client engagement with a comprehensive pack that not only supports their protein goals but also provides visually appealing content for platforms like X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and more; you get the picture (literally.)

BONUS: Support & Mastermind Community

  • Gain Insights — Access valuable tips and strategies from our Support & Mastermind Community for pro nutrition coaching.
  • Foster Growth — Collaborate with peers, sharing experiences and solutions to support business growth and client success.
  • Stay Informed — Stay ahead with industry updates, leveraging collective expertise for top-notch coaching services.

Risk-free satisfaction
with my double guarantee

Double the protection, double the peace of mind — Buy with confidence knowing you're covered twice over

money back

30 day Guarantee

Risk free

New Customers:
Get Results with Exceed Nutrition & Our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Reminder: The 30-day money-back guarantee only applies to your first-ever product purchase (includes subscriptions) and cannot be used more than once. See more here.

Risk Free

Lifetime Warranty

Risk free

ALL Customers:
Stay Up-to-Date on Nutrition Science with My Lifetime Content Warranty

Reminder: See here for more information about our lifetime content warranty and other terms and conditions.

Let's Recap Everything
You Get Today When You Buy
The Peak Protein Recipe Pack

  • 30 Professional Peak Protein Recipes
  • MyFitnessPal Barcode Integration
  • Detailed Shopping Lists & Meal Planner Examples
  • Detailed Macros & Nutritional Info
  • 200+ High-Resolution Food Photography Pack
  • Done-For-You Social Media Posts
  • BONUS: Fiberlicious Veggie Sides Recipe Book
  • BONUS: Protein Unraveled Quick Start Guide
  • BONUS: Peak Protein Smoothie Maker Guide
  • BONUS: Support & Mastermind Community
  • New Customer 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Lifetime Updates Content Warranty
  • The Complete Private Label Rights License

Get It All Right Now

Normal Price: $97.00

Today Get Over 60% OFF!

*Discount ends tonight:

NOW $37

Find out why our customers consider us a game-changer

"Amazing content to choose from to help promote my business"

"Absolutely love all the resources. I cannot imagine running my business without them now. It allows me to focus more on my clients specific needs and coach them rather than spending hours creating my own. So much amazing content to choose from to help promote my business, thank you." 

—Alexandra Dawson, Coach

"Game changers for my fitness and wellness business"

"All the [resources] have been game changers for my fitness and wellness business. As a busy fit mom, time is of the essence. The Exceed Nutrition programs have helped me streamline so much! I highly recommend all they have to offer!"

—Rebecca Dyson Heyward, Coach

"Good quality resources"

"For anyone looking to further their knowledge, grow their business and have good quality resources to give to their clients I highly recommend Exceed Nutrition."

—Nichola Lewis, Coach

"Helpful resources"

"Great resources for coaches starting out and looking for helpful resources, and even better for those further down the line with clients but little time!"

—Fiona Zebedee, Coach

Who Are We?

At Exceed Nutrition LTD, our mission is clear: to empower nutrition professionals like you!

Our global team, with over 40 years of combined experience, includes certified nutrition and fitness coaches, designers, recipe creators, and food photographers. We simplify nutrition coaching by providing ready-made resources and customization options, allowing you to focus on what you do best—helping clients achieve their health goals. Welcome to a simpler, more effective way of coaching.

Just In Case There's Anything I Missed, Here Are some Commonly Asked Questions!

How customizable are the recipes?

With our easy-to-edit templates, you can seamlessly brand each recipe, adjusting macros and ingredients to meet each client's dietary needs and preferences.

How will this recipe pack benefit my coaching business?

By offering diverse, high-protein recipes, you'll enhance client satisfaction and retention, stand out in a competitive market, and have more time to focus on coaching and business growth.

Who is behind the Peak Protein Recipe Pack?

Me, Ru Anderson and my team at Exceed Nutrition is behind the recipe pack, trusted by over 34,000 coaches for our reliable products and excellent customer service, ensuring top-notch quality and support for over a decade!

Are these recipes suitable for different dietary preferences?

Our recipes are designed to be flexible and can be easily adapted to fit various dietary preferences including keto and intermittent fasting, ensuring you can cater to a wide range of clients.

How much does the Peak Protein Recipe Pack cost?

We've priced our recipe pack competitively to provide exceptional value to nutrition coaches, ensuring an affordable investment for quality, diverse protein recipes.

What makes these recipes unique?

You won't find these recipes anywhere else! Our team of certified nutrition and fitness coaches have crafted these unique recipes to be not only nutritious but also delicious and diverse, breaking the monotony of common meal plans.

Can I easily add my branding to the content?

Yes, you can change it to any way so that it fits your business and branding. Change the text, change the colors or font and claim it as your own.

Can I download the pack instantly?

Yes, after purchasing you will be taken to our private members area where you can instantly download the resources. You will also receive an email with a link to access the membership area too.

What formats does the bundle come in?

After you purchase the pack you will be able to download it in Microsoft Powerpoint (.pptx), Keynote for Mac and Canva compatible PDF's. They will be delivered via a compressed ZIP file that you will need to extract upon downloading.

Do I need to create anything?

Nope, everything has been created for you. Simply download the bundle, brand it with your colours and logo, then send it to your clients.

See Exactly What’s Inside The Peak Protein Recipe Book…

Every recipe is exclusively crafted in-house and is entirely white-label, ready to seamlessly blend with your branding.

Here’s Why You Need To Act Today!

If you’re still reading, my guess is that you know this is the way to take your business to a new level...

Both in terms of revenue...  

And in your visibility and authority in your market.

So trust your gut and the results others have gotten, and check it out for yourself.

Just imagine this scenario:

  • You have high-quality content in just minutes…
  • You quickly jump in and customize any of the material
  • You launch the content for a fraction of the cost of starting from scratch
  • You have everything you need to promote your content and attract clients…
  • Your content continues to sell, taking your business to that next level...without any extra work on your part...

Don’t wait until next week, next month, next year.

Don’t sit on your goals and ambitions.

Get the resource poised to be every coach’s best-kept secret.

This Exclusive Limited Time Offer Ends Soon!

  • 30 Professional Peak Protein Recipes
  • MyFitnessPal Barcode Integration
  • Detailed Shopping Lists & Meal Planner Examples
  • Detailed Macros & Nutritional Info
  • 200+ High-Resolution Food Photography Pack
  • Done-For-You Social Media Posts
  • BONUS: Fiberlicious Veggie Sides Recipe Book
  • BONUS: Protein Unraveled Quick Start Guide
  • BONUS: Peak Protein Smoothie Maker Guide
  • BONUS: Support & Mastermind Community
  • New Customer 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Lifetime Updates Content Warranty
  • The Complete Private Label Rights License

Get It All Right Now

Normal Price: $97.00

Today Get Over 60% OFF!

*Discount ends tonight:

NOW $37