Attention: Health, Fitness & Wellness Coaches…

A Whole New Way To Grow Your Coaching Business FAST!

“The 5 Strategy System Revealed”

That Makes Coaching Feel Easy and Floods Your Business With New Customers 

Without Working More! 

Joris Telbois We just sold 1400 of our recipe books and made €56,000 in sales. Thanks Ru Anderson.

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James Stice Made $50,000 with my recipe resources, thank you Exceed Nutrition... My co-author!


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Possibly the Easiest and Fastest coaching resource to make nutrition coaching highly profitable! YES! This will work for you no matter what type of coaching you provide… 

From: Ru Anderson
In Sunny Barcelona, Spain ☀️

Coach… this may sound crazy...

 but it's working like nothing I've seen before.

By using one simple resource and following my 5 Strategy System, you can:

  • Easily convey your nutrition coaching to clients,
  • Boost their adherence and consistency to healthy eating,
  • Improve your client retention rates,
  • Build your audience and become fully booked,
  • Fill your business with a surge of fresh buyers!
The truth is…

There is only one way
to make that all happen: 

Healthy Recipes

Healthy recipes are how you take ALL the information that's in your head and turn it into something useful that's easy for clients to use.

They are the simplest, yet most effective method of conveying your nutrition coaching information to your clients.

Plus, there is a huge demand and marketplace for healthy recipes.

They sell like hot cakes – all pun intended!

My Healthy Recipe System is the perfect growth strategy for you if you’re short on time, don’t have a product yet, don’t feel like creating a new product, or just want a hefty revenue boosting resource in your business.

And you can do this no matter what health, fitness or wellness niche you’re in… what product or service you sell… or whether you’re a new coach or grizzled veteran.

Best part of all…

You don’t need to create anything…

You don’t need a social media following… 

You don’t need a website… 

And you don’t need any special connections…

...or anyone’s permission or approval!

In fact, applying this 5 step system is so easy and fast…

You can start seeing benefits instantly!

I know this because recipes have been the key driving force behind my client acquisition and business growth strategies at Exceed Nutrition for years.

Regularly publishing recipes for my blog, social media channels and clients have helped me to become fully booked as an online coach; achieve better client results; publish a book; and continue to grow my monthly revenue.

From this success… 

I’ve gone on to help other ambitious coaches do exactly the same.

In fact, we recently asked our customers how much monthly online income they make with the help of our resources and strategies...

Brittani Tigert Zmolike I’m making monthly $40-$50k/consistently all online mainly via IG!


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Max Brown Average about $8-$10k per month organically without a team.


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Hailey Schmidt I sign anywhere from $8-10k a month with a couple 5k! 

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Ready to do the same?

Okay, lets start... 

Strategy Reveal

Below, I'll show you how you too can receive all of the benefits that one simple resource can bring to your coaching business.

Strategy 1 of 5 

Improve service for existing clients

 I’m starting with the most obvious, but very effective, way to quickly integrate healthy recipes into your coaching business.

By providing your existing client base (whether online or offline) with nutritious, quick-to-prepare meals that can be matched to achieving their goals, they can fuel their body with the right foods at the right time.

A lot of times we fail as coaches because we force too many changes on them too quickly. 

This is the single biggest problem I see with people helping clients with their diets. By providing your existing clients with a range of healthy recipes that suits their eating type and goals, you are giving them options.

You are literally showing them how to improve their diet and eating habits.

You are setting up your clients to WIN

When you get this just right, you’re clients are going to be super impressed…

Just like Brooklyn’s clients:

Brooklyn LeeAnne Just got this, I absolutely love it and my clients do to! They were so happy when I sent them the link and they were able to see all of their options. I was nervous and skeptical at first but I love it! Thank you!

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Okay, remember I mentioned that healthy recipes can also grow your business – without working more?

Let’s chat about how to do that now…

Strategy 2 of 5 

Create a new "upgrade" service

 It’s likely that you not only want to achieve great client results but also to grow your coaching business in the process.

(what I really mean by this is that you want to make some more dinero, right?).

Here’s what you need to know about that…

We know the coaches who provide their clients with detailed recipes, alongside bespoke nutrition plans, have clients who stay with them longer... AND refer more often AND pay higher fees.

This means you can - and probably should - use healthy eating recipes to create an additional ‘paid for’ service.

How do you do this?

There are two simple models I would suggest:

#1. The 'Do-It-Yourself' Upgrade

This is the most straightforward model to follow if you want to create a quick and passive form of new income from healthy recipes.

Here you would charge your existing client base a small extra fee each month to access your healthy recipe resources on a monthly basis.

The goal with this type of "upgrade" is to provide your clients with a little bit more of what they need to achieve their goals in a quicker space of time.

Reread that highlighted section again.

(It’s literally the “secret” to selling health and fitness products).

Healthy recipes do precisely this.

#2. The 'Done-For-You' Upgrade

In this upgrade, you could provide your clients with their monthly recipes, just like in the previous upgrade, but you would also create a bespoke nutrition plan or shopping list that is matched to their goals and the recommended recipes.

It’s more of a complete service because of the ‘done-for-you’ elements. 

If your goal is to boost your income from healthy recipes significantly, then combining it with other resources or services at the same time will help you do this.

Now you’re ready for the next level, strategy three.

Next, I’m going to show you how to use healthy recipes to blow up your social media channels and drive a ton of hot traffic to your website.

Strategy 3 of 5 

Grow your social media following
and website visitors

 Two of the most important assets you are likely to create are your website and social media platforms.

No matter what your coaching business is, a well-constructed website and social media presence will build more ‘know, like and trust’ with your prospective clients, and therefore make your business more successful.

I’ve been posting healthy recipe blogs on my website and social media pages for years now, and it never stops surprising me how popular they are.

In truth, healthy recipes are my most popular online content.

They also get the most likes, comments and shares on social media platforms.

Recipes drive the highest click-through rates in emails and they quickly climb the ranks in Google search to help bring more potential clients right to my doorstep.

From a business perspective, your social media platforms and website have a sole purpose of helping you constantly publish fresh relevant information that helps people get context about you and how you can solve their problems.

By simply publishing one healthy recipe to your website blog each week, and then using your social media platforms to drive traffic to that new blog, you will see your business grow.

Now that you have a super engaged audience, you can rapidly grow your list of prospects (those who would be interested in your core products or services). 

How do we do this?

Using healthy recipes of course. 🙂

Strategy 4 of 5 

Grow your list of hot prospects

 You should also use healthy recipes as your core marketing strategy to grow your list of prospects.

So how do you ‘grow a list of prospects’?

You build an email list. 

Building a high-quality email list is the single most powerful thing you can do to grow your business.

If you are starting out in coaching or trying to grow your existing business successfully, a quality email list is your golden ticket. List building is something that we all need to be continuously doing as business owners. 

Here’s how to do this:

Create a free healthy recipes eBook

By creating an eBook, you will be able to significantly move your marketing tactics for your business up a level.

An eBook has many benefits, but the two big ones that spring to mind for me, are first, it will create a ton of ‘know, like and trust’ with whoever reads it.

You should know this is a critical factor that needs to be achieved before someone begins coaching with you.

By creating an eBook, you can build that vital relationship very quickly, because you’ve already provided them with some value to solve their biggest problem. 

The second significant stand-out benefit is that it should also be used as a tool to grow that all important email list.

So ultimately, having a killer free eBook is a massive part of being able to generate quality leads.


Just like magic, you start flooding your business with high quality leads while building one of your most important business assets.

And once you’ve got some high quality leads, you just need something to sell them. (hint: more healthy recipes)

That’s what strategy 5 is going to show you how to do.

Strategy 5 of 5 

Create a new fitness product or service

 Why does it feel like every celebrity is bringing out a healthy eating cookbook? Because there is a huge demand and marketplace for healthy recipes.

Perhaps you’re not interested in becoming an Amazon bestseller right now, but you would like to tap into the marketplace and have your slice of the profits.

To do this, you can use heathy recipes to create an online product or program.
Here you will create a digital product at a reasonable price.

Now you have a high-quality digital product that you can sell online forever.

This is when you start making money while you sleep.

Of course, your healthy recipes will be the star attraction of your digital product or online program, because that’s what people want.

Do what Joris did.

He used my healthy recipe packs as a done-for-you solution to launch a new ebook product to a fine tune of €56,000 ($60,000)

Joris Telbois We just sold 1400 of our recipe books and made €56,000 in sales. Thanks Ru Anderson.

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As you can see, by creating a health and fitness product around healthy recipes, be it a book, digital product or membership site, you can excel your career, have a bigger impact and make more money.

This simple system forms the guts of how healthy recipes can make nutrition coaching easy and grow your business without working more.

What makes this system so powerful is its flexibility and simplicity.

Don't get hung up with the details.

Pick a strategy, implement it and reap the benefits.

Then try out another strategy.

Here's What To Do Now

Look: if you want a rush of new buyers…for your business...In as little as the next few days... 

Here's what I've done for you...

I've put everything you need to deploy healthy recipes with your clients and in your business that you can have access to right now...

Now you too can experience what other coaches are now calling "The Magnificant Seven".

No matter what type of clients you coach, my Meal Plan Mastery Collection removes all the hassles of nutrition coaching, streamlines your advice, and lets you get back to doing your best work.

Dustin Kavanagh You want to be involved with Ru Anderson, he by far has some amazing tools and content if you are any sort of health, fitness or nutrition coach.


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305 Professional & Original High-Quality Diverse Recipes

  • Totally unbranded and customizable so that you can make them your own (100% white-label).
  • Includes recipes for all eating types e.g. dairy free, gluten free and low carb.
  • Provide clients detailed calorie and macronutrient profiles for every recipe (plus MyFitnessPal barcodes)
  • Includes ingredient lists and detailed step-by-step cooking instructions.
  • Contains a weekly shopping list that lets clients shop effortlessly for their healthy recipe ingredients.
  • Includes a weekly meal planner so clients can efficiently and effectively follow the recipes.
  • Access our extended recipe image library so you can create high quality blogs and content.

30 Days

100% Money Back Guarantee

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Order Today!

  • 45 Gluten-Free Recipes Pack ($97 Value)
  • 52 High-Protein Recipes Pack ($97 Value)
  • 40 5-Ingredient Recipes Pack ($97 Value)
  • 40 Vegan Recipes Pack ($97 Value)
  • 40 Low-Carb Recipes Pack ($97 Value) 
  • 58 Vegetarian Recipes Pack ($97 Value) 
  • 30 Smoothie Recipes Pack ($97 Value)
  • Shopping Lists & Meal Planner Examples for ALL Recipes
  • MyFitnessPal Barcode Integration for ALL Recipes
  • BONUS: 1000+ High-Resolution Food Photography Collections
  • BONUS: Support & Mastermind Community (Priceless)
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee ($97 Value)
  • Lifetime Updates Content Warranty ($97 Value)
  • The Complete Private Label Rights License (Priceless)

Normal Price: $697

Yours Today Only


Get Instant Access. Offer Ends Soon!

Thanks for reading this letter…

I've mentioned a few things that should have your mind racing.

My goal was to "reframe" some of your reality about how one simple resource can take your coaching business to the next level. No matter what stage of business you are at.

If you don't consider yourself an action-taker, this isn't for you... 

And I would recommend you pass on the opportunity to grow your business with your own Healthy Recipe Pack.

But, if you are an action-taker... and you want a new way to get all the clients you need... you may find this to be one of the most exciting and profitable resources you ever access.


Ru Anderson

P.S. You're saving 86%-OFF right now. 

Instead of paying $697, you get instant access to everything right now for ONLY $97.

Plus, there's no catch... no gimmicks. 

Plain and simple...

You either love this recipe pack and everything it does for your business, or I'll even refund your full payment and you can keep your access to everything.

Money Back Guarantee. Offer Ends Soon!

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