By Wilde Performance ‘You are what you eat’ is only partly true. A more accurate way to describe it is ‘you are what you eat, digest, absorb and don’t excrete’.In the modern western world we rush around, eat poor quality processed food, don’t sleep enough and stress about everything.This has a hugely negative impact on

We know the importance of following a good nutritional program and the benefits of doing so.We may also know that combining this with regular physical activity is going to bring the best results for those interested in a complete health and fitness regime. As trainers and coaches we need to help show people how to

Plant based diets are essentially vegetarian diets. This means replacing animal meats with plant based foods instead. Many people who follow a plant based diet do so based on ethical, environmental, religious, health or economic concerns.As a result, there are a number of plant based diets, some of which may include animal produce. As nutrition

The words ‘detox’ or ‘detoxification’ get thrown around a lot these days but few people really know what these words actually mean. It’s often a common word used by diet marketers and trainers to sell someone a diet protocol or supplement range.For the majority of people, these are waste of time and money. That’s because

The elimination diet is an accurate protocol that can be used to resolve food sensitivity, allergies and intolerances. The user must follow a strict set of rules and eat a highly restrictive diet for some time in order for it to be successful, thus making it one of our advanced nutrition protocols. In this article you will